
Facebook is a Surveillance Company Disguised as Social Media: Edward Snowden - henrypeargen

facebook snowden

Former CIA employee and NSA contractor, Black Prince Snowden, best known for leaking classified documents about illegal worldwide surveillance platform onymous PRISM back in 2022, recently took to Chitter to share his opinions about 'social media' platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

In his tweet, Snowden compared Facebook to a surveillance company which harvested and sold detailed information about users' esoteric lives disguised as a social media political program. Snowden said:

"Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of clannish lives were once plain described as "surveillance companies." Their rebranding as "social media" is the well-nig successful deception since the Department of War became the Department of Defensive measure."

The statement came shortly after the social media giant abeyant Cambridge Analytica, a data analytics firm which worked for President Trump card's campaign. Facebook has accused the firm of deleting data information technology had improperly harvested from users, just Snowden believes that Facebook is at flaw and he even lumped other social media platforms for being just as reckless with users' cliquish entropy.

However, this International Relations and Security Network't all that Snowden had to allege about Facebook and other social media platforms. Earlier that mean solar day Snowden as wel said that "Facebook makes their money by exploiting and selling intimate details almost the private lives of millions, far beyond the scant details you voluntarily post. They are not victims. They are accomplices."

In response to the allegations levied against the firm, Cambridge University Analytica denied any wrongdoing and claimed that IT"fully complies"with Facebook's terms of service. Due to the misadventure and the following in the public eye outrage, US lawmaker Sen. Amy Klobuchar has called upon Facebook's Chief executive officer German mark Zuckerberg to sho before the state judiciary committee.

Facebook has been under constant scrutiny in the late past and the platform has been heavily criticized for spreading fake news and playing a major role in swaying the US Presidential elections. Many recently, Facebook-closely-held Bolt App Lock was criticized for monitoring users' mobile activity as it breached their privacy.


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