
How Does Movement Of The Rib Cage Change Air Pressure In The Chest Cavity


Pulmonary ventilation, more commonly referred to as breathing, is the move of air into and out of the lungs. Inhalation is the act of drawing air into the lungs, and exhalation is the expulsion of that air out of the lungs. This activeness follows Boyle's constabulary, which explains that the pressure of a gas decreases as the volume increases if the temperature is held constant.[1] Increasing the book of the thoracic cavity causes a decrease in the intrathoracic pressure level and an influx of air. Meanwhile, decreasing the volume, typically through the relaxation of the muscles of inspiration, causes an increment in intrathoracic pressure and results in exhalation. The thoracic wall is essential to this process and is made up of the sternum, 12 pairs of ribs, 12 thoracic vertebrae, and the muscles, fascia, and skin that connect to this bony muzzle.

Construction and Function

The structures of the thoracic wall protect the center, lungs, and great vessels as well as some intestinal organs. Additionally, the bony structures provide zipper points for muscles and permit for the mechanical office of ventilation.

Ribs are curved, flat bones that attach posteriorly to vertebrae and anteriorly to the sternum. Ribs originate at each thoracic vertebra. The caput of each rib has one or 2 facets for articulation with the costal facets on the bodies of thoracic vertebrae. Ribs 1, 10, xi, and 12 accept a single facet on their head that only articulates with its corresponding vertebra. Ribs 2 through 9 all have 2 facets on their heads; the superior facet articulates with the vertebra above the rib, while the inferior facet articulates with the respectively named vertebra. In add-on, ribs one through 10 have tubercles with facets that articulate with the costal facet of the transverse process of each corresponding vertebra.[2]. Ribs 11 and 12 have no tubercle and therefore do not articulate with the transverse procedure of their corresponding vertebra.

The sternum is equanimous of 3 parts: the manubrium, body, and xiphoid process.[three] The manubrium is the widest portion and contains the jugular, or sternal notch as well as the clavicular notch. The sternal angle, or bending of Louis, is where the manubrium joins the body of the sternum. The second rib attaches at this point. The xiphoid process is attached inferiorly to the trunk of the sternum and provides an zipper point for the diaphragm and rectus abdominis, merely no ribs.

Ribs one through 7 are considered true, or vertebrocostal, ribs and attach directly to the sternum. Ribs eight through ten are considered fake, or vertebrochondral, ribs in which the cartilage of each rib attaches to the cartilage of the rib above it which terminates where the seventh rib attaches to the sternum. Ribs eleven and 12 are considered floating, vertebral, or gratis, ribs because they terminate in the posterior intestinal musculature and do non attach to the sternum. The costal cartilage of ribs 1 through 10 facilitates the rubberband recoil of the thoracic wall which contributes to passive exhalation.


The thoracic wall forms function of the axial skeleton and is comprised of bone, muscle, and connective tissue. Information technology develops from the mesoderm where blocks get somites from which the sclerotome separates. The sclerotome is the origin of the vertebrae and transverse elements which brainstorm elongating into ribs during the fifth week of gestation. Ossification begins during the fetal period merely will non be complete until adulthood.[4] The myotome gives rise to the muscles of the thoracic wall. The sternum forms from sternal bars that meet in the midline and begin to fuse during the seventh week of gestation. Fusion starts superiorly and ends inferiorly past the tenth week.[five]

Claret Supply and Lymphatics

Each intercostal space receives its claret supply from 3 arteries, a posterior intercostal avenue and a pair of anterior intercostal arteries. The posterior arteries of the first 2 intercostal spaces are fed from the superior (supreme) intercostal artery which comes off the subclavian avenue.[6] The remaining pairs of posterior intercostal arteries and a pair of subcostal arteries emerge direct from the thoracic aorta.[7] These posterior arteries enter the costal groove almost the angle of each rib where they travel between the intercostal vein and nerve. The posterior and anterior intercostal arteries anastomose laterally.

The internal thoracic artery is another co-operative of the subclavian artery that supplies the anterior intercostal arteries of spaces 1 through six before dividing into the superior epigastric and musculophrenic arteries.[viii] The musculophrenic artery supplies the anterior intercostal arteries of spaces 7 through 9. The ii near inferior intercostal spaces are supplied from the posterior intercostal arteries and their collateral branches and do not have anterior intercostal arteries.

The intercostal veins run most superiorly in the costal grooves. In that location are eleven pairs of posterior intercostal veins and 1 pair of subcostal veins. Like the posterior arteries, the posterior veins also anastomose with the anterior intercostal veins. Several of the superior posterior intercostal veins merge to form the left and right superior intercostal veins at the level of T3 or T4 which tin then empty into the brachiocephalic vein or the superior vena cava (SVC).[9] The remaining posterior intercostal veins end at the azygous vein before emptying into the SVC. The internal thoracic veins accompany the internal thoracic arteries before emptying into the brachiocephalic vein.


The respiratory center in the medulla oblongata controls the charge per unit and depth of ventilation. While the dorsal respiratory group controls the motor neurons for all inspiration, the ventral respiratory grouping only controls forced exhalation since normal exhalation is passive. The phrenic nerve is a co-operative of the cervical plexus. It originates mostly from C4, with some interest of C3 and C5. The right and left sides travel through the cervix and thorax before innervating the diaphragm.[10]. The inductive rami of spinal fretfulness T1 through T11 form the intercostal nerves while the anterior rami of spinal nerve T12 form the subcostal nerve.[11] A portion of the inductive ramus of T1 forms role of the brachial plexus. All the same, the remaining intercostal fretfulness do not grade plexuses. While the afferent fibers of these nerves conduct sensory information to include that of the overlying skin, the efferent fibers relay motor information to the muscles of respiration.


The musculature of the thoracic wall tin can be divided into 2 groups: those involved in inhalation and those responsible for forced exhalation. During inhalation, the anterior-posterior, vertical, and transverse dimensions of the thorax are increased. Contraction of the dome-shaped diaphragm causes the central tendon to exist pulled inferiorly, flattening the diaphragm and increasing the vertical dimensions of the thorax.[12] Contraction of the external intercostals raises the lateral role of the ribs causing a bucket handle motion that increases the transverse diameter of the thorax. The vertebrosternal ribs besides follow a pump handle motion, which raises sternum and increases the inductive-posterior dimensions of the thorax. The muscles of the neck tin assist in this activity.

Beyond the diaphragm compressing the abdominal cavity and the external intercostals lifting the ribs, the serratus posterior superior attaches to ribs 2 through five and elevates them during inhalation. When the neck is fixed, the scalene helps to elevate the first and second ribs. Likewise, the sternocleidomastoid can assist in raising the sternum.[13]. When needed, the pectoralis minor assists in lifting third, fourth, and 5th ribs.

Numerous muscles aid in forced exhalation. The internal intercostals are located deep to the external intercostals. While the external intercostals run inferomedially from superior rib to the next junior rib, the internal intercostals lie perpendicularly to the externals. This allows them to depress the ribs. The transversus thoracis spreads beyond the inner surface of the thoracic muzzle from the lower posterior sternum to ribs 2 through 6.[fourteen] The transversus thoracis aids in depressing the ribs. Similarly, the serratus posterior junior attaches the vertebrae to ribs 8 through 12 and depresses them during contraction.

Physiologic Variants

The body of the sternum is unremarkably longer and thicker in males and shorter and thinner in females. This can be used to assist in the determination of gender in skeletal remains.[15] Additionally, there are many variations in sternum and rib formation that exist. A bifid xiphoid or fifty-fifty bifid sternum can be seen.[3] Similarly, a sternal foramen is acquired by incomplete ossification of the left and right centers. The sternal foramen tin be misidentified as a penetrating injury on x-rays or could atomic number 82 to significant injury since the sternum is a mutual site for acupuncture. Similar to a sternal foramen, ectopia cordis is a built status that occurs due to a more meaning malformation of the sternum.[16] The heart may exist exposed on the thoracic wall due to maldevelopment of the sternum and the pericardium.

Bifid ribs occur when the anterior portion of a rib splits into 2 before reaching the sternum. The corresponding musculature, blood vessels, and nerves as well bisect. Bifid ribs are normally unilateral and asymptomatic.[17] Cervical and lumbar ribs are too potential anatomic abnormalities. If the costal element of the 7th cervical vertebrae elongates, it can class a cervical rib although it usually does not reach the sternum. This aforementioned anomaly tin can occur at the level of L1, forming a lumbar rib. Furthermore, a lack of elongation of the costal element of the 12th rib tin cause it to fail to develop. This will get out some people with simply 11 ribs.

Surgical Considerations

Some essential surgical considerations regarding the thorax pertain to needle decompression and chest tube placement. As discussed, the blood vessels and nerves of the anterior thorax follow the costal groove on the inferior aspect of each rib.[11] Therefore, needle thoracostomy should be completed by piercing over the superior attribute of the rib on the affected side. Several sites have been studied to include the second intercostal infinite at the midclavicular line, as well as the fourth and fifth intercostal spaces at the anterior axillary line.[18] Similarly, chest tube placement (tube thoracostomy) should be performed in the fourth or 5th intercostal space and should besides runway to a higher place the rib. Chest tubes should exist placed betwixt the mid to anterior axillary line.[19] Lastly, while performing a left-sided thoracotomy, providers must think that the left phrenic nerve runs along the pericardium and should be avoided to reduce the hazard of phrenic nerve palsy.[20]

Clinical Significance

Accessory musculus use is the activation of muscles to aid in ventilation that are mostly not agile. While this can exist a normal finding during activities such as practise or singing, it is an important finding in patients who are at remainder. The list of accessory muscles includes, merely is not express to, the scalenes, sternocleidomastoids, internal intercostals, transversus thoracis, pectoralis major and minor, serratus inductive, serratus posterior superior and inferior, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and the muscles of the abdomen. [13],[21]

Injury to the encephalon, spinal cord, or phrenic nerve tin can paralyze the diaphragm and prevent patients from existence able to breathe, thus requiring artificial ventilation.[x] Injury nearly unremarkably occurs at or above the level of C4. Infection with poliomyelitis (polio) has caused similar symptoms in the past. Hemi-diaphragm is another nervus related finding. It occurs when in that location has been an injury or lesion to one side of the phrenic nervus, causing paradoxical, or the reverse of normal, motion of 1 side of the diaphragm during inhalation.

A pneumothorax occurs when free air makes its way into the pleural cavity between the parietal and visceral pleurae. This may cause atelectasis or deflation of the affected lung. A pneumothorax can be caused by an internal insult such as a ruptured bleb or an external injury such every bit a broken rib or penetrating wound. Treatment may require the removal of the free air past thoracentesis/needle thoracotomy or the placement of a breast tube.[nineteen] A flail chest occurs when 2 or more ribs accept been fractured in 2 or more than locations causing a free moving segment.[22] Early on, this segment may be internally splinted past the intercostal muscles. With fatigue, the segment will eventually show a paradoxical move to the residue of the chest wall. This may significantly impair ventilation.

Review Questions

Illustration of rib cage movements during respiration


Illustration of rib muzzle movements during respiration. Diaphragm, rib cage, respiration, inspiration, expiration. Contributed past Chelsea Rowe

Illustration of the muscles ,of thoracic wall


Illustration of the muscles ,of thoracic wall. Intercostals, scalene muscles, sternum, costal cartilage. Contributed by Chelsea Rowe

Illustration of bones, cartilage of thorax


Analogy of bones, cartilage of thorax. Ribcage, clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage. "True" ribs, "false" ribs. "Floating" ribs. Contributed by Chelsea Rowe



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